Monthly Archives: September 2024

CV8311 F24 Lecture 3 Probabilistic Risk Analysis

After the introduction of the probability concept and the rules of probability calculation, I jumped to the applications. Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) is a subject that uses probability and only probability. It does not even need the notions of random … Continue reading

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CV8311 F24, Lecture 2 Probability

This lecture introduces the concept of probability and basic probability laws. Applications are deferred to next lecture. There are two types of lecturers: one that follows strictly a plan, being it in the form of Powerpoint slides, lecture notes, or … Continue reading

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CV8311 Risk and Reliability for Engineers Fall 2024, Lecture 1

First Lecture, September 9, Overview Leaves of the honey locusts outside of my office have turned light yellow. The fall is here. As always, the first lecture needs to first give students an overview of the subject, and then tell … Continue reading

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